
Publications 2009

, HOURIOUX C, ROINGEARD P. The morphogenesis of hepatitis B virus and its subviral envelope particles. Cell Microbiol, 2009, 11, 1561-1570.

PLANTIER JC, DJEMAI M, LEMEE V, REGIANNI A, LEOZ M, BURC L, VESSIERE A, ROUSSET D, POVEDA JD, HENQUELL C, GAUTHERET-DEJEAN A, BARIN F. Census and analysis of persistent false-negative diagnoses of HIV-1 group O infections. J Clin Microbiol, 2009, 47, 2906-2911.

JAUFFRET-ROUTSIDE M, LE STRAT Y, COUTURIER E, THIERRY D, RONDY M, QUAGLIA M, RAZAFANDRATSIMA N, EMMANUELLI J, GUIBERT G, BARIN F, DESENCLOS JC. A national cross-sectional study among drig-users in France : Epidemiology of HCV and highlight on practical and statistical aspects of the design. BMC Infect Dis, 2009, 9, 113.

BEAUMONT E, VENDRAME D, VERRIER B, ROCH E, BIRON F, BARIN F, MAMMANO F, BRAND D. Matrix and envelope coevolution revealed in a patient followed since primary infection. J Virol, 2009, 83, 98-75-9889.

ALINE F, BRAND D, PIERRE J, ROINGEARD P, MUNIER S, VERRIER B, DIMIER-POISSON I. Dendritic cells loaded with HIV-1 p24 proteins adsorbed on surfactant-free anionic PLA nanoparticles induce enhanced cellular immune responses against HIV-1 after vaccination. Vaccine, 2009, 27, 5284-5291.

LE VU S, MEYER L, CAZEIN F, PILLONEL J, SEMAILLE C, BARIN F, DESENCLOS JC. Performance of an immunoassay at detecting recent infection (EIA-RI) among reported HIV diagnoses in France, 2003-2007. AIDS, 2009, 23, 1773-1779.

SAMLEERAT T, THENIN S, JOURDAIN G, NGO-GIANG-HUONG N, MOREAU A, LEECHANACHAI P, ITHISUKNANTH J, PAGDI K, WANNARIT P, SANGSAWANG S, LALLEMANT M, BARIN F, BRAIBANT M. Maternal neutralizing antibodies against a CRF01_AE primary isolate are associated with a low rate of intrapartum HIV-1 transmission. Virology, 2009, 387, 388-394 (Epub 2009, March 20).

PATIENT R, HOURIOUX C, VAUDIN P, PAGES JC, ROINGEARD P. Chimeric hepatitis B and C viruses envelope proteins can form subviral particles : implications for the design of new vaccine strategies. N Biotechnol 2009, 25, 226-234 (Epub 2009, Jan 21). Brevet / Patent N° 08/03377.